Press A to Move Left

Press D to Move right

Press E to Fire a Wind Blast

Press W to Swing from the Stars

(A and D also Controls your Swinging)

Press Space-bar to Jump


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- Recent update was just to add controls to the description


  • Illustration style is really bright, colourful but contrast of sillhouette of buildings stands out
  • Character design and movement is very good
  • The idea of losing hearts/lives makes the game more immersive and wanting to play for longer
  • Movement of everything  (character jumping, shadows moving to fire at them) is very clear and responsive
  • love the idea of the game and being able to see a comic style story of the beginning game is very cool

So good, what a beautiful game.

Runs smoothly whit beautiful artwork and engaging gameplay. 

an enjoyable and fun game. 

very well designed. 

and moon creatures add an exciting element to an already exciting platform game.  

the staggering that occurs during animations, this happens when a sprite is a different size from the other animation,. try to make all animation sprites the same size

A game still in production so expected bugs but can see the potential! Simple but challenging, easy on the eyes, good choice of colours , excited to see more. Like the fact theres a story to it too! 

Bugs - player model sticking to the edges of the clouds, moving to the left and jumping at the same time launches you in that direction, Grappling on to the stars while above them and moving left or right causes you to go upwards while staying grappled on. 

Strengths - the movement feels nice

weakness - none that I can see


>player model seen to "stick" on the edge of clouds 

>Multiple clicks upon a star can propel the player too far, inconsistent with existing momentum. 


>momentum can be fun when multiple stars are combined together to boost the player to higher speeds 

>aesthetic of the game can be considered "cute" reminiscent of early learning style platforming games 


>momentum can be inconsistent especially when swinging upward from a star